The fifth installment in the ongoing series delving into the rich colonial architectural heritage of Nashik was recently published in the esteemed pages of Saturday's edition of Deshdoot. Authored by our distinguished faculty members at MET School of Architecture & Interior Design, Architect Yakin Kinger and Architect Samruddha Mogal, this article represents a culmination of meticulous research and scholarly inquiry into the city's historical architectural landscape. Through their insightful narratives and erudite analysis, Kinger and Mogal illuminate the hidden gems of Nashik's colonial past, shedding light on the architectural styles, influences, and legacies that have shaped the city's built environment over the centuries. Their collaborative effort not only serves as a testament to their expertise in the field but also underscores the importance of preserving and celebrating Nashik's architectural heritage for future generations. By chronicling the intricate details and captivating stories behind these colonial structures, the article invites readers on a captivating journey through time, offering a deeper appreciation for the cultural richness and historical significance embedded within Nashik's architectural tapestry.
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